The best way to make the most of the sales in a sustainable way

We leave behind the holiday season of gifts, feasts and family gatherings to give way to a month of January in which the new year’s resolutions and sales go hand in hand being the center of attention. Every time we go out on the street, hundreds of brightly colored billboards cross our path offering us great discounts, but is it really worth it what we buy in the sales?

From BRUSHBOO we want to give you an answer to this question, but first of all we have to remind you that, if you are still thinking about your new year’s resolutions or if you just want to make a change in your life, you can read
our last blog entry
blog post in which we propose some eco-proposals for 2021.

Continuing with the theme of this post, we leave you with a series of tips that you can take into account at any time of the year and especially during the sales period.

Need or whim?

Before you start buying something, we suggest a little reflection: is it a necessity or a whim? The discounts offered by the stores motivate compulsive shopping and you can end up buying things that you don’t even need. Once you have answered that question, you can look for sustainable alternatives; and if you buy it from a local or fair trade store instead of a department store, you will be supporting many people with your purchase.

Set yourself a budget

During the sales season there are many stimuli that reach us -TVads, posters, advertising on social networks, etc. – and that encourage us to buy. Establishing a money budget will help us to shop smarter and be more aware of what we are going to spend our money on. At BRUSHBOO, we advocate responsible, sustainable and ecological consumption and we want this thinking to become more and more global.


Switch to
slow fashion

This fashion concept is catching on. It’s not only about being fashionable, but also about thinking about what’s behind the clothes or items we buy. More and more of us are looking to change the planet and what better way than to leave behind the
fast fashion
which is dominated by a high environmental impact and precarious working conditions.

Slow fashion promotes the use of environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials; in addition, products are manufactured in a more exclusive and handcrafted way, which will make your garments unique.

Not only do we fight every day to improve our planet, but, as a small Spanish company, we also defend the “made in Spain” philosophy.
made in Spain
so if you are interested, you can read about it at
this link
which Spanish companies are at the forefront of sustainable fashion.

Going back to the first question we asked you, the sales are a good time to buy those products that do not go out of fashion and can last for several years or to get those “closet essentials” that can be used for everything. Also, the sales can become the perfect time to review our closet and give a second chance to everything we do not use; either donating it, recycling it or even, with a little imagination, giving it an alternative use.

If you would like to try any of our products, now is the perfect time!

Visit our website
and discover our full range of products.

Will you join us, Brushbooer?