Recycle, reduce and reuse: The importance of recycling day

Recycling day is approaching and is a date that is celebrated with a single purpose: To remember and raise awareness about the care of the environment, doing our bit by sorting the waste we generate daily and not generate greater impact on the pollution of our planet. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1994, established that every May 17 is celebrated as “Recycling Day”.
“Recycling Day

According to Ecoembes, thanks to recycling we reduce the volume of waste, use less natural resources, save water and energy, and reduce environmental pollution, among other good news.


Important data.

The country that recycles the most in the world is Switzerland, exceeding 52% of the amount of waste generated. This is followed by Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. In Spain, we only recycle 29.7% of municipal solid waste (MSW), that is, the waste we generate in our homes, such as cardboard, glass, paper, plastic, etc. We rank 21st among the 34 first-world countries that employ a high recycling rate. In Europe, in general, we have an average recycling rate of 42%, while Asia and Latin America have an average of only 12% of recycled waste. There is still a long way to go. And the importance of raising awareness by region and providing the facilities and instructions to do so.

The 3 most important R’s: Recycle, reduce and reuse.

But what does recycling mean and what actions does it involve? It is the transformation of objects that we encounter in our daily lives. For example, plastics, glass, cardboard, paper, cans, organic waste, among others. But before continuing, it is important to introduce the philosophy of the 3 R’s, which go in this order:
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Why is it classified in this way? Because you have to start at the beginning of everything. First, if we reduce the amount of production of various materials, the waste generated will be less. Then, reusing objects to give them a second life and not throwing them directly into the trash helps the environmental impact. And when we have exhausted our first steps, we come to recycling, where we can recreate, transform and reinvent new objects from used materials.

What materials can we recycle that are in our daily use?

Here is a list of items you have at home that are recyclable and you didn’t know it:




  • Plastic bottles.
  • Plastic caps and plugs
  • Bottle of detergent, shampoo, lotion.
  • Yogurt pots and lids.
  • Bags of potatoes.
  • Plastic bags (except garbage bags)

Where to dispose of them: Yellow container

Before consuming them, you can opt for sustainable and ecofriendly alternatives. sustainable and ecofriendly such as

bamboo bottles

or cloth bags. You can also reuse empty containers to refill with detergents, toothpaste, etc.



According to Ecoembes data, did you know that 6 briks can be used to make a shoebox?


  • Milk Brick
  • Juice Brick
  • Fried tomato brick
  • Brick of creams and sauces in general

In addition to the great recycling plants, there are wonderful people who create art from this material, such as.


“, going one step further with the so called “Upcycling”.


Where to dispose of them: Yellow container



We find it in our kitchen most of the time. For canned food, soft drinks, milk, creams, legumes, etc. This material is composed of aluminum, being unlimited its number of recycling.

Where to dispose of them: Yellow container


Paper and cardboard packaging


  • Magazines
  • Old newspapers
  • Cereal boxes
  • Shoe boxes
  • Wrapping paper
  • Notebooks
  • Books

Where to dispose of them: Blue container



The good thing is that it is 100% recyclable and indefinitely.


  • Wine, champagne, beer glass bottles
  • Glass bottles (such as perfumes or colognes)
  • Food jars (jams, preserves, etc.)

Where to dispose of them: Green container

Cells and batteries

The ones you use in controls, watches, shavers, etc. They are composed of hazardous and highly polluting materials and liquids. That is why it is necessary to know where they should go.


Where to dispose of them: Hazardous waste containers or clean points. More info

Other materials

  • Appliances
  • Electronic devices
  • Bulbs
  • Used oils
  • Furniture
  • Clothing


Where to dispose of them: Clean points. It is recommended to to reuse them, but there are containers for those that are already deteriorated.


In order for the recycling cycle to take place correctly, it is necessary to sort your waste at home. And for proper recycling to be carried out it is preferable to washing containers before disposal.

In this way you help to conserve our planet. Remember the important role you play in this battle against the throwaway culture. You can do your bit by exchanging some products, for example, plastic ones, for bamboo ones, such as the ones made of bamboo.




(which cannot be recycled and take between 100 and 300 years to 100 to 300 years to degrade) from



Include in your healthy habits the 3 R’s: REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE and increase a very important one: RECOMMEND. It is by imparting knowledge among our community that we can choose better options for the care of our environment.