Plastic-free summer: Small-scale activism

The question to ask is: What defines an activist?

This is a person who is involved so that his or her tasks do not have a direct impact on the environment, in addition to leading certain ideologies of non-consumerism,


promoting environmental education and care of the environment.

Many people believe that only Greta Thunberg or certain famous personalities are the only ones who can be activists. And nothing could be further from that.

That’s why we present to you: Small Scale Activism. A series of tips so that you, in your daily life, can apply the same methods as a professional activist and thus contribute that grain of sand that helps the planet so much.

Sustainable activities

Recycle! It is a gesture that many of us have already automated, but it is true that some people still find it difficult. Don’t worry, it’s never too late for that. A good method is to have very well separated waste at home, so when you need to throw something away, you know that it will not be mixed with the rest of the waste.

  • Swap the car for public transportation. If you have to move to a distant point, the best options against pollution are cars or electric buses, in case this option is not feasible, the train and subway are the most sustainable alternatives (provided that it is too far to walk or bike).
  • Contribute to reforestation. Planting a tree, a shrub or aromatic plants in your garden, a park or the countryside is a gesture that nature will appreciate. You help to repopulate an area with little vegetation and contribute to the fact that, in a few years, it will be home to even more life.

There are companies, such as Brushboo, that help us contribute indirectly. For the purchase of its products, we contribute to reforestation thanks to the initiative

Plant for the Planet

. And so can you! Since, if you purchase any product from


10% of the profits go to this organization.

  • Talk about it: Whether or not you have some influence on social networks, a good way to raise awareness among those around you is to promote eco-friendly activities through publications. Trash collection or upcycling are the ideal tasks to share and let your audience see them and know about them, so it will be easier for them to encourage and contribute to the cause.

Be sure to let us know! If the subject comes up at a family or friends’ gathering and you can do your bit, it is a good opportunity to make others aware of the problems involved.

Family activism

The best opportunity to become a good activist is to do it together with the people you love the most, your family. Equal parts education, fun and bonding.

  • Weekend outdoors. The best way to

    disconnect from work and stress.

    and stress. Organizing a family trip can be tedious at first, but when you research the destination, calculate the route well and learn about its culture, it can become a most enjoyable activity. To teach children about the plastic problem, a good way is to plan a family picnic and to bring





    bamboo straws

    . You become environmentally friendly and show them that you can have a better quality of life without relying on plastics.
  • Recycling for the little ones (and not so little ones). Reuse of certain materials, such as plastics, to convert them into

    more functional products

    . Examples include pots made from plastic bottles, creating a scale from a hanger, or mixing broken items to make a new one. You can experiment as much as you like. There is no limit to your imagination!

  • Learn and reinforce about ecology. To be in constant research. Keep informed about which actions are the most damaging to the environment. This way we are able to become aware of it and start with small steps, changing certain habits for more sustainable ones. This helps the little ones themselves to begin to form their own ideas about environmentalism and everything that surrounds them. It also reinforces the idea that parents already had previously, as well as learning more innovative ways to be even more eco-friendly.

It is very important to instill these kinds of ideas in children from an early age, so they will be more aware of all they can learn and do for the planet.

can learn and do for the planet.


Although all this may seem an almost impossible task for just one person, don’t worry, if everyone contributes their small grain of sand to the cause, it already generates a great positive impact on the environment.

Let’s help the planet together!