Reasons to celebrate Oceans Day

The oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. They are the lungs of our planet Earth. Like forests, so are oceans. If we look at it figuratively, let’s say that the oceans are a lung and the forests are another lung.


The importance of caring for the health of our oceans are many. One of the main reasons is that it generates the 50% of the Earth’s oxygenIn other words, it is vital that we keep the blue mass in good condition. In addition, it is home to more than 700,000 marine species, is the transport channel for the migration of many animals and humans, influences meteorological phenomena and regulates the climate.

Unfortunately, in recent decades it has become more threatened than before, due to human activity such as overfishing, poor coastal management, pollution from human and industrial waste. Climate change also plays a role.

It is important to emphasize that the oceans allow our planet to be a habitable place for humans and other species. for humans and other species.

For these reasons we must celebrate and preserve our oceans. Only the 3% of them worldwide are protectedfor their sustainable and responsible use.

In Spain, 12% of our seas are protected, which is good news.This is good news as we have surpassed the target imposed by the Convention on Biological Biodiversity to protect at least 10% of marine waters.


Global Ocean Treaty

A more extensive regulation, to be held by the member states at the UN headquarters in New York to finalize
The Global Oceans Treaty
The International Convention on Biological Diversity, an international legally binding tool on marine biological diversity in waters beyond national jurisdiction. The objective of this treaty is to maintain the obligation of member states to protect and preserve the marine environment.


Happy Oceans Day!

This day serves to raise public and community awareness of the consequences of human activity on the oceans and to launch a global citizens’ movement for the oceans. The goal is to achieve sustainable management of the oceans.

And why does so much garbage, especially plastic, find its way into our sea?

The production of single-use plastics, above all, is the biggest problem. This generates daily garbage and are wastes that nature cannot handle or control on its own.

When we dispose of plastics we don’t need in trash cans, they have 3 different destinations. Seventy-nine percent end up in our seas and environment as litter, 12% have been incinerated and only 9% of the plastics produced have been recycled to date.

But why does that 79% end up in the seas? If they are not disposed of correctly (waste sorting) or even if you have disposed of them correctly, many of them are thrown into natural dumps (the sea itself, land wells, wastelands, etc.) and the rest of the work is done by the winds, rains and storms that are responsible for directing and carrying everything to the coasts.

Be part of the change

We, from home, can do many things to avoid most of the production of pollution with our waste:


  • Act with your consumption! Do it in a responsible and sustainable way. Don’t buy products if you don’t need them. Choose greener alternatives for food, cleaning products, everyday products. There are many products and companies that offer them.


  • Generally reduces all types of consumption. Change the culture of the disposable.


  • Reduce plastic consumption. These are lethal and cause a lot of damage to our seas. On average, it takes more than 200 years for a plastic object to decompose, eventually turning into microplastics. Change your daily habits with the use of biodegradable products, such as



    bamboo straws





  • Sort your waste as best as possible. And if you can, reuse and recycle the waste you have at home yourself.

Let’s save the oceans together!