New life for 11,000 recycled plastic toothbrushes

It’s official, we have said goodbye to 11,000 plastic toothbrushes collected in the campaign One Less at Sea and we welcome 4 benches made from the recycling of these. Noja and Calblanque (Cartagena) thus become the most important first cities in Europe to install street furniture made from recycled plastic toothbrushes.

This campaign was launched at the end of 2018 with a single objective: to raise awareness throughout society of the great impact that the consumption of plastic toothbrushes has on our seas and fields. The plastic toothbrushes we are used to do not end up being recycled but are either disposed of by shredding and incineration or stored in landfills. That is why
the first brand of eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday use, launched the “One Less in the Sea” campaign together with the European Environment Association and Eco Sector.

one less campaign collection box

Did you know how difficult it is to recycle a toothbrush?

Plastic toothbrushes in their different parts are usually composed of polymers other than those used in the manufacture of plastic packaging that we separate in the yellow garbage can. Although some of these parts are “technically” recyclable separately, their consistency makes the final management of this waste and its recycling very difficult and expensive.

One Less at Sea Campaign

The campaign was carried out throughout Spain for 9 months and involved more than 700 collection points. For 9 months in Spain, if you wanted to recycle your plastic toothbrush, there was a point within 20 km of your toothbrush within a 20 km radius. After these 9 months, the brushes were collected and taken to a center specialized in recycling and reconversion in plastic lumber. With this plastic wood from waste treatment, 4 urban furniture benches have been manufactured. Incredible, isn’t it?

Once the benches were processed, many associations and municipalities were interested in installing these benches in their municipalities. However, at Brushboo, with the support of Ambiente Europeo, we decided to leave this footprint where the impact of pollution is greatest: near our beaches and in our natural parks. It was therefore decided that two of the benches would be donated to the municipality of Noja and another two to the Calblanque Natural Park.

Noja, Cantabria

This coastal municipality of 2,500 inhabitants has installed them overlooking the sea in a transit area perfect for a relaxing evening stroll. If you visit Noja do not hesitate to go to this enclave that will allow you to see an incredible sunset while you feel how your contribution to the conservation of the environment has a double impact: it prevents the sea you are looking at from being polluted and allows you to rest from your walk.

Calblanque Regional Park, Cartagena, Murcia.

The great floral diversity of the Calblanque Regional Park, its different environments and its climatic characteristics make this area a true botanical jewel. In the Las Cobaticas Visitor Center we can find two benches donated to the Regional Park that make the wait more enjoyable while you prepare that route between rockroses and cliffs that will take you to the incredible coves.

European Environment Association
and SectorEco could not be prouder to have carried out this initiative that has put in everyone’s mind the need to find a solution to the millions of toothbrushes that are not recycled every year in Spain.

We encourage you to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and look for alternatives that do not contain plastic, whether it be in dental
dental hygiene
in your daily life at home
in the
or in your
personal care