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https://brushboo.com/en/productos-ecologicos/b2b-pack-of-4-bamboo-brushboo-straws/29615[B2B] Pack of 4 Bamboo Brushboo Straws
Your eco alternative to plastic straws!
If you also enjoy your favorite beverage much more when you add a straw.... Our bamboo straws are your solution! Leave your plastic worries aside and... help the environment while you enjoy!
Their hardness and resistance are perfect for any type of glass, and you can reuse them as many times as you want!
What does it include?
4 bamboo straws of 22 cm.
1 stainless steel cleaning brush.
Our bamboo straws (and their packaging!) are 100% ecological, so they do not harm our ecosystem.
Remember that, with your purchase, you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet.
Remember that we are the only ones with FSC certification FSCwhich guarantees that its forest origin has been properly managed with respect to the environmental conservation as outlined by international international standards.
Go for the circular economy!
*The new packaging will be shipped after the old identity is sold out. Sorry for the inconvenience, Brushbooer...https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboopackde4pajitasdebambubrushboo27988547403818_615b0eb206bf4ce6a4cdd358f140238e.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=16.50instockAll ProductsBrushboo ProductsBRUSHBOO REBATES!EasyGift All ProductsECO HOMEGreen DaysGREEN MONDAYLandingProducts SelectionSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteTop SellersliveStraws00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboopackde4pajitasdebambubrushboo27988547403818_615b0eb206bf4ce6a4cdd358f140238e.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=129581296022954929597295946.506.500.000.002021-05-14T15:41:23+00:00
[B2B] Pack of 4 Bamboo Brushboo Straws
6,50 €
In stock
Your eco alternative to plastic straws!
If you also enjoy your favorite beverage much more when you add a straw…. Our bamboo straws are your solution! Leave your plastic worries aside and… help the environment while you enjoy!
Their hardness and resistance are perfect for any type of glass, and you can reuse them as many times as you want!
What does it include?
4 bamboo straws of 22 cm.
1 stainless steel cleaning brush.
Our bamboo straws (and their packaging!) are 100% ecological, so they do not harm our ecosystem.
Remember that, with your purchase, you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet .
Remember that we are the only ones with FSC certification FSCwhich guarantees that its forest origin has been properly managed with respect to the environmental conservation as outlined by international international standards.
Go for the circular economy!
*The new packaging will be shipped after the old identity is sold out. Sorry for the inconvenience, Brushbooer…
https://brushboo.com/en/productos-ecologicos/premium-reusable-make-up-remover-discs-with-bamboo-box-2/119.9929599Premium reusable make-up remover discs - With bamboo box
Take care of your skin and the planet!
Whether you wear makeup or not, these reusable discs are for you.
These discs are the perfect alternative to conventional disposable discs that are so harmful to nature.
They also come with a bag to wash them properly. You can do it in the washing machine at a maximum temperature of 30º or by hand with a little soap.
And best of all, they come in a beautiful little bamboo box ideal for decorating your home!
What does this reusable disc pack include?
13 soft cleansing discs.
3 exfoliating make-up remover discs.
1 cotton mesh bag for washing.
1 incredible bamboo box for storage.
These 16 discs (and their packaging!) are 100% ecological, so they do not harm our ecosystem.
Soft discs: 60% bamboo viscose and 40% cotton.
Exfoliating discs: 70%bamboo viscose and 30% cotton.
Remember that with your purchase you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet.
https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboodiscosdesmaquillantesreutilizablesconcajadebambupack1627937043349546.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=119.99instockAll ProductsBrushboo ProductsChristmasEasyGift All ProductsGreen DaysGREEN FRIDAYGREEN WEEKENDMake-up remover discs ecoNewsPersonal careSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteliveStraws00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboodiscosdesmaquillantesreutilizablesconcajadebambupack1627937043349546.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1295982959729549295832960419.9919.990.000.002020-09-22T15:12:56+00:00
A brush with a medium-hard, eco-friendly bamboo handle in a beautiful emerald shade.
Its softness is perfect for all types of gums and teeth. The result is unbeatable!
The design of this toothbrush has been created in collaboration with professional dentists so that its size and shape can be adapted to the brushing style of each individual.
Our brushes (and their packaging!) are 100% ecological, so they do not harm our ecosystem.
Brushboo bristles are BPA free and are made of Dupont Nylon 6. Nylon 6 is the most biodegradable plastic from which brush bristles can be made. Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in some plastic toothbrushes and is hazardous to health.
What is included in the Brushboo brush?
An ecological bamboo brush of medium hardness.
A moso bamboo handle with a slogan that brings a smile to your face.
Remember that with your purchase you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet.
Do you want to see our premium pack of brush with seeds and cotton bag? Take a look at it here*The new packaging will be shipped after the old identity is sold out. Sorry for the inconvenience, Brushbooer...https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboocepilloadultobrushbooesmeralda27992681054250.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=14.49instockAll ProductsAmbiente EuropeoBrushboo ProductsDENTAL HYGIENEEasyGift All ProductsGreen DaysGREEN FRIDAYGREEN MONDAYGREEN WEEKENDHome pageSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteToothbrushesToothbrushesTop SellersAdultlive00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboocepilloadultobrushbooesmeralda27992681054250.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=129607295812958329602296044.494.490.000.002020-02-24T16:58:16+00:00
Softness and lightness are key features of these bamboo swabs. Made of organic cotton, they are perfect for removing any residue.Plus, they're vegan! Our swabs can be disposed of without any problem in the organic waste.
What does this swab pack include?
2 boxes of 100 organic cotton and bamboo swabs.
Our swabs (and their packaging!) are 100% ecologicalso they do not harm our ecosystem.Remember that with your purchase you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet.https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DSC0014-scaled.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=14.50instockAll ProductsAmbiente EuropeoBrushboo ProductsChristmasEasyGift All ProductsEco-products, best sellersFind out moreGreen DaysGREEN MONDAYGREEN WEEKENDLandingPersonal careSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteTop SellersliveStraws00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DSC0014-scaled.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=129603295812954829590295964.504.500.000.002020-04-16T10:31:37+00:00
https://brushboo.com/en/productos-ecologicos/cotton-bag/10.0029592Cotton Baghttps://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboobolsadealgodon12514409644074.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=10.00instockSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteAll ProductsliveStraws00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboobolsadealgodon12514409644074.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=129598295942959029605295950.