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https://brushboo.com/en/productos-ecologicos/eco-packs-brushboo-family/29643Eco Packs - Brushboo Family
Your most eco-friendly family!
Our eco packs (and their packaging!) are 100% ecologicalThey do not damage our ecosystem. We know that your family is 100% eco, that's why we bring you this superpack.
What does it include?
2 adult bamboo brushes.
1 bamboo children's brush.
3 sachets of organic cotton.
1 pack of 4 straws from organic bamboo + 1 cleaner.
1 pack of 100 swabs biodegradable.
1 Dental floss.
Remember that, with your purchase, you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association
Plant for the Planet
"Bags of Ethics" an organization that watches over the respectful work towards people and the environment joins the Brushboo family. Brushboo. Our organic cotton bags carry this positive label with the mission to create awareness to those who carry them ????https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushbooecopacksfamiliabrushboo15593756753962.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=129.90instockAll ProductsBrushboo ProductsChristmasEasyGift All ProductsECO PACKSEco-packs, the best sellersGreen DaysGREEN FRIDAYGREEN WEEKENDLandingProducts SelectionSmart Products Filter Index - Do not delete00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushbooecopacksfamiliabrushboo15593756753962.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1296042960229581296012960529.9029.900.000.002020-02-24T16:12:42+00:00
Eco Packs – Brushboo Family
29,90 €
Your most eco-friendly family!
Our eco packs (and their packaging!) are 100% ecologicalThey do not damage our ecosystem. We know that your family is 100% eco, that’s why we bring you this superpack.
What does it include?
2 adult bamboo brushes.
1 bamboo children’s brush.
3 sachets of organic cotton.
1 pack of 4 straws from organic bamboo + 1 cleaner.
1 pack of 100 swabs biodegradable.
1 Dental floss.
Remember that, with your purchase, you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association
Plant for the Planet
“ Bags of Ethics “ an organization that watches over the respectful work towards people and the environment joins the Brushboo family. Brushboo. Our organic cotton bags carry this positive label with the mission to create awareness to those who carry them ????
https://brushboo.com/en/productos-ecologicos/cotton-bag/10.0029592Cotton Baghttps://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboobolsadealgodon12514409644074.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=10.00instockSmart Products Filter Index - Do not deleteAll Products00.000https://i0.wp.com/brushboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ecobrushboobolsadealgodon12514409644074.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=129599296072958829604295970.