7 Habits for an ecofriendly lifestyle in your home

Planet Earth needs our collaboration. Therefore, we must adopt in our daily life a very important rule to preserve our environment, the three R‘s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Imagine if we all lived by applying the 3 R’s rule?

1. Separate garbage at home so that it can be properly recycled.

Just by helping to put your garbage in the right container at home, you are doing a great favor to the environment. It is normal to be confused when it comes to sorting garbage, so, with the little information below, you will learn the basics of sorting so you can become a master recycler.

There are 5 colors to differentiate the different types of garbage:

Paper and cardboard.

Glass; such as bottles, jars or flasks. Remember to remove any lids before pouring!

Plastic containers, aluminum and wooden crates.

It is a new color and is being implemented initially in the capital (Madrid), with the intention of expanding throughout the country; and is designed for organic waste.

In case you didn’t know, cork stoppers and dirty napkins fall into this category! It is worth noting that as they are still new and not all locations have them, this type of garbage can be thrown in the orange garbage can ????????.

General garbage that does not fall into the other categories.

Finally, there are also clean points, which are places where you can dispose of garbage that you cannot deposit in the containers, for example, electrical appliances, furniture, etc. You must first locate the one closest to you.

2. Saves electricity consumption

Not only will the planet not thank them, our pocketbook will too. Most of us are unaware of hundreds of small actions that can have a big positive impact on our energy consumption:

– Unplug all plugged-in equipment that you are not using, a great example are cell phone or computer chargers, microwaves, blenders, heaters, etc.

– Purchase inverter technology equipment that consume less energy. Although they are more expensive than regular equipment, you will be surprised when you get your consumption bill.

– Replace your traditional bulbs with LED bulbs, achieve maximum performance and are much more environmentally friendly. There are also energy-saving light bulbs, however, they are not as efficient in the long term and contain toxic substances.

3. Build a mini vegetable garden,

This way you will consume fresh food free of toxic substances such as pesticides and at the same time you will help the environment and have a healthier life. You can use your organic waste as compost too!

4. Replace everyday items with eco-friendly alternatives.

There are thousands of everyday objects to replace in your home; among the most common we can mention: plastic bags for reusable bags, toothbrushes made of bamboo #brushboo and not plastic; use packaging and bamboo bottles #brushboo y/o vidrio, ya que el plástico libera sustancias tóxicas perjudiciales para tu salud, tomar agua de grifo o filtrada para bajar el consumo de botellas plásticas, etc.

5. Replace the car with walking, biking or skateboarding.

and take the stairs instead of the elevator – notonly do you help the planet, but you keep a good figure ????!

6. Join the Robinson list

If you don’t want to receive advertising and waste paper in your mailbox. It is very simple and you can do it online.

7.Donate your unused clothes!

This way people who really need it will be able to enjoy it. Remember, to get new things into your closet you must leave some space! ????