We support wholesale and retail distributors with a broad portfolio of dental hygiene and personal care products, with a proven track record of sales success.
We have a wide variety of products to satisfy the needs of your customers.
The importance of offering ecological and sustainable products lies in their contribution to reducing plastic waste and caring for the environment.
Boost your sales and reach new customers. Marketing eco alternatives has a direct impact on your sales.
From Pharmacies to Dental Clinics, Hotels, Supermarkets, Herbalists, Eco Stores and many more, there are already more than 250 establishments in Spain that distribute Brushboo products.
Our 100% eco-friendly production line has the necessary muscle to meet the needs of small businesses and large partnerships. Without intermediaries.
Proven concept: We have sold more than 150,000 brushes in our online store and to distributors.
We offer you the possibility to sell at cheaper prices than our own online store.
The eco alternative with a quality product adds up to two. You help the planet to be free of plastic and offer high quality products.
More than 4 billion plastic brushes end up in the sea every year. By using Brushboo's eco-friendly alternative you contribute to the cleanliness of the oceans.
For more information, questions or doubts you may have, please send us an e-mail to hello@brushboo.com.
Our Brushboo soap dish made of bamboo wood will become the best container for your soaps. With a design specially created to take care of your solid soaps. Its three holes prevent the accumulation of water and humidity, which facilitates its conservation and drying.
Your soaps will last much longer!
Our soap dish (and its packaging!) are 100% ecological, so they do not harm our ecosystem.
Remember that with your purchase you are contributing to reforestation. We allocate 10 % of our profits to these projects through the association Plant for the Planet .
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