Benefits of walking to school

Did you know that International Walk to School Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday in October? Tomorrow is this date, which means it’s the perfect day to leave the car at home and walk to school. This initiative aims to promote mobility and encourage children and their families to walk or use other sustainable means to get to school, such as cycling.

Choosing to walk to school is a fantastic opportunity to encourage healthy habits and promote an active lifestyle in children. In addition, it is not only a sustainable form of transportation, but also offers a series of benefits for the physical, mental and social development of children.

we want to highlight some of the benefits of walking to school.

Advantages of walking to school

  • Promotes physical activity. Walking to school involves regular physical exercise. Walking is a low-impact aerobic activity that helps strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular endurance and maintain a healthy weight. Encouraging this practice from an early age contributes to the formation of healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
  • Improves health and well-being. Helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, walking outdoors promotes the absorption of vitamin D, which is necessary for bone development and the immune system.
  • Stimulates cognitive development: Physical exercise has a positive impact on children’s cognitive development and academic performance. Walking to school gives them an active start to the day, which can improve concentration, memory and attention span in class. Regular physical activity has also been shown to promote the development of cognitive skills such as problem solving and creativity.
  • Promotes independence and autonomy. It gives children the opportunity to develop autonomy and responsibility. They learn to follow routes, cross streets safely and make independent decisions. This contributes to their emotional and social development, strengthening their confidence and life skills.
  • Creates social bonds. It allows children to interact and socialize with classmates or neighbors of the same age who attend the same school. Sharing the walk to school promotes communication, teamwork and friendship building.
  • Care for the environment. Helps reduce air pollution and carbon emissions. This contributes to preserving the environment and creating a more sustainable planet.

Taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow is International Walk to School Day, we want to emphasize the importance of celebrating this day 365 days a year. For the children, it will be an enriching and healthy experience. In addition, it will become a healthy habit that will last over time.