These are strange times. We are homebound. It is for the common good and, without realizing it, we have made an unquestionable improvement to our nature. Our Mother Earth breathes clean air after many years, because we have made a stop
to our daily lives. We have now noticed a positive change, which translates into a more than 25% reduction in toxic gas emissions for the environment, the appearance of animals in the cities and the general cleanliness of our streets. We have witnessed all of this. This brings us joy and hope.

Mother: Our origin of life
We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of ‘Earth Day‘, which made us reflect on the conservation of our planet because it is the only home we have. Now, the What do both celebrations have in common? The origin of life. Where we come from. Our center and core. Therefore, we must show them, not only with words but also with actions, the love we have for them. Now it’s our mothers ‘ turn to be the stars of the day. It will be a different celebration, distant, in some cases without a physical embrace, but they will be in our minds and hearts. Let us be grateful to them. Let’s take care of them.
Let’s send a message of love
Quarantine forces us to stay at home to protect ourselves and overcome this crisis. We understand that. Then, it is time to show our love for them with more enthusiasm. To those who saw us born, those who welcomed us since we were little. They have been our guide, our role model, the one who never stops worrying about us and fills us with love.
Let’s make this the best Mother’s Day ever! For all that she does for us. Let’s celebrate their day! Let us be grateful. How? Here’s how you can make this day an unforgettable one for her.
Surprise, Mom!
If you don’t live in the same house (and you decided to stay in yours so as not to expose her), but her house is too close for you to walk to, organize a “serenata”.
You will love it! If you have a song that has special meaning for her, practice it days before and next Sunday show up at her door with music to accompany your melody. (If you have a talent for accompanying yourself on a musical instrument, all the better). Beforehand, send him a message so that he can go out the window and enjoy your songs. Don’t forget to bring mask and keep the right distance, if you want to protect it. Full of joy and love his day. You will never forget it! You’ll thrill even the neighbors!
Breakfast, virtual hugs and kisses
If you can’t make it to her physically, set aside Sunday morning for a video call with the family. This practice is our closest link! There are many platforms you have at your fingertips: Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, Skype, among others.
Prepare a nutritious breakfast and sit down in a comfortable place at home to enjoy a nice virtual family reunion. Sharing anecdotes, gossiping and talking about some curiosities of your new routine will help you laugh and relax. It’s a meeting that can go on for hours, so enjoy it!
A detail from a distance
Is that not enough? If you are looking to send a gift home, there are plenty of options. This is true. But we encourage you to choose products that are beneficial to their health and the health of our mother Earth .
Oral and dental health is very important and we should practice it every day. A bamboo toothbrush applied to washing together with the correct use of the activated charcoal floss that are environmentally friendly, are excellent alternatives, and are ecofriendlys. In this way, we can give mom the opportunity to explore a more sustainable path with our planet, and become aware to lead a more eco. Adopt healthy habits such as using bottles, cutlery, straws and other bamboo elements that are reusable instead of the harmful plastic is a way of showing you that we advocate for your well-being and that we want to preserve a healthy planet for our sake.
There are many solutions to celebrate our mothers. All it takes is a little imagination and knowing how to choose the right gift. The important thing is to make this Mother’s Day the best one in years! Do you agree? Show love. Give the gift of
. And never forget to tell her how much you love her!
More ideas and suggestions that you may not have thought of can be found here.