Detox weekend: Why is a weekend without technology and in nature good for you?

Have you ever heard of digital stress? It is a “new” term that was born in the 21st century due to the increased use of digital devices, such as computers, gadgets and cell phones. It is the increase in stress levels caused by the media, mobile devices and social networks. In addition, the need to be connected at all times, 24/7 availability, leads us to the compulsion of the need to answer all types of notifications (whether in networks, work or personal emails, instant messaging, etc.) immediately. In other words, a continuous demand to be virtually present. Identified?

Consequently, this phenomenon is affecting our physical and mental health. No kidding. Some of the effects are listed below. We help you to identify them.


At the physical level, there is the
“text neck
. It is the misalignment of one or more vertebrae or abnormal postures due to looking down (mobile posture) for a long time. The carpal tunnel syndrome is another disease that affects the tendons due to the abnormal posture of holding the cell phone. Other bad postures are also derived at body level.

On a mental level, it is coming to affect us in an increase in the level of stress, anxiety for not carrying the cell phone, which results in “fomo” (in Spanish it would be fear of missing out on something), sleep disturbances, addiction (studies show that it causes a high dose of dopamine), headaches and even depression.

According to OCU studies, 8 out of 10 Spaniards have an addiction to technology. In short, we spend between 2, 5 and 4 hours a day on our cell phones. As a result, we have less and less social and physical contact with our loved ones, which can often affect our interpersonal relationships. If you want to know more,


we leave you an orientative test (not psychological) about cell phone addictions.

Sounds stressful, doesn’t it? But don’t get overwhelmed. If you’ve felt like this article describes you in many ways, here’s a solution you can adopt as a healthy habit in your schedule. If you feel like doing it with more people or just you that’s fine – we encourage you to give it a try!


Country getaway


It is important to reconnect with nature and take a digital break. Go to a large lake or park, away from the city and have a picnic. Bring some food for snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, 1 sandwich of your choice and 1 bottle of water.


with drink to hydrate yourself.

What about the cell phone? Well, you only use it for something indispensable. But in this case, we advise you to carry it with you but put it in airplane mode. This will keep you disconnected from the digital world. You can spend hours in the field. The important thing is that you take in fresh, clean air, enjoy the smells of the vegetation, enjoy a healthy meal in a healthy environment. If you get more creative, you could even do some push-ups, read a book or write with a pen on a piece of paper ideas about a project you want to undertake.


A weekend at the beach

Take advantage of the good temperature! If possible, plan a weekend out of town and look for the closest beach to you. Bring a couple of swimsuits, stay in a modest house and make sure it doesn’t have a TV. After breakfast, you take a swimsuit, a towel, an umbrella, a bottle of water, a snack and sunscreen. You’re ready to go straight to the beach. Stand a few meters from the seashore and enjoy the vitamin D of a sunny day, the cool sea breeze, the sound of the waves and the feel of the sand on your feet. Bathe with caution whenever you feel like it.


Go home and take a hot shower. You’ll see how relaxing it is at the end of the day. You won’t even have time to check your cell phone. If you carry it with you, you put it in airplane mode or, better yet, leave it at home.


Treat yourself to a few hours in the park


If you can’t leave the city or town, there are plenty of parks! Locate the one closest to your home. You can bring a blanket, drink, food and enjoy a few hours of sun and light wind. Mobile prohibited. Put all your willpower into it. Disconnect. You can arrange a few hours for you and nature. It is the ideal refuge to hear your thoughts, reflect and help develop your creativity.

These tips will help you reduce the burden of digital stress and disconnect from your cell phone to find yourself and nature.




Are you preparing your getaway?