Do you think that as an inhabitant of planet Earth you are contributing enough to help save it?

Unfortunately, pollution of our environment is a very common issue today and if we do not take joint action, it can bring devastating consequences in the years to come.

Plastic is one of the materials that is most responsible for environmental pollution; it appeared approximately 70 years ago, creating a dependency due to its low cost and the variety of uses that can be assigned to it since then. Being a petroleum derivative, it is not a natural material and its decomposition can take from 100 to 400 years; at the same time it is polluting the environment and above all, choking our planet.

Do you know where the plastic ends?

Unfortunately, most of the plastic ends up not only on land, but also in our oceans, the latter being the most affected, causing irreparable damage to the ecosystem and marine fauna. Every year, approximately 8 million tons of plastic reach the sea, turning it into a waste dump; and if we do not take responsible action, it is estimated that by 2050 there will be the same amount of plastic as fish in the sea. Sad but true.

This fact is threatening a large number of species, among the most affected being seabirds, turtles, seals, to mention a few, as they can either ingest, become entangled or even suffocate in the plastic.


For these and many other reasons every June 8 since 2018 we celebrate World Ocean Day, taking advantage of the fact that it is the green month of the year, as we also celebrate Environment Day. This month not only raises awareness through activities, events and fairs around the country, but also celebrates its greatness for being the lungs of the planet.

On the other hand, incineration of plastic is not the best solution either, as it contributes to pollution as well. As it undergoes this process, it releases highly toxic substances that can cause diseases in the medium and long term.

Finally, the option we should choose is to recycle it, converting the plastic into raw material for the manufacture of other products; or simply giving it other uses. For this, we need the government and businesses to help us look for green solutions to cause less impact on our planet in order to create an eco-friendly culture. In this way, we can educate ourselves and raise our awareness to opt for more environmentally friendly lifestyles.

In the meantime, encourage and inspire others to make big changes with these small actions:

  • Eliminate the use of plastic bags and replace them with ecological or cloth bags.
  • Avoid using plastic bottles. Use our bamboo bottle.
  • Avoid eating chewing gum, which, believe it or not, contains plastic!
  • Seek other alternatives to replace everyday objects: glass containers, ecological toothbrushes, among others.
Small deeds make big changes.