Do you want to get a nice tan? Start by changing your diet


If we type in Google the words “enhance tan” we get approximately 7,670,000 entries and almost all of them have something in common: “to have a beautiful, natural and, above all, healthy tan there is only one trick that can help us”. Do you want to know which one it is? Read on!

Food is part of all the processes of our life and determines how we are in every moment of it. In summer, as in any time of the year, it is essential that you have a diet based on your needs, full of nutrients and vitamins .

We are sure you already know some tips and recipes to have a natural tan and take care of it from the inside? here are our tips!
Antioxidants become every year the trendy ingredient in this pre-summer season. Do you want to know why? They are the great allies of our body, since when ingested they protect our health in a broad and effective way and prevent the development of diseases. Although important all year round, antioxidants, in summer, are the perfect complement to protective creams to take care of us from the inside.

The Queen of Antioxidants: Vitamin C

Antioxidants play a super-important role in protecting your skin from sun damage. While it is essential to have skin products loaded with this vitamin on hand, it is equally or more necessary that our body receives it from within.

Consuming foods rich in vitamin C -such as oranges, strawberries and cherries, acerola, red bell pepper, blackcurrant and kiwi fruit- and in antioxidants, in this case, beta-carotenes, such as carrots and apricots, will help your tan look even more luminous, because they will activate your body’s melanin and beta-carotene will make your tan last longer.

Other foods that have beta-carotene are, for example, mango, loquat, cataloupe melon, pumpkin and sweet potato. Also, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard, lettuce or broccoli.

Foods that help with skin blemishes

Although these foods will help you from the inside to make your skin look more luminous and without those annoying spots, it is essential that you remember to use sunscreen before exposing yourself to the sun.

Remember that the face is the reflection of what we eat and if we follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables we will arrive at the summer season with a skin ready to get that tan so desired.

Did you know that apples have a lot of properties to eliminate skin imperfections? -especially blemishes. This is because it cleanses toxins, controls the appearance of pimples and slows down the aging that causes hyperpigmentation. To obtain its benefits, it is best eaten raw or applied directly to the face.
Pineapple is also perfect for lightening all types of blemishes. Its active ingredients combat excess fluids, remove dead cells, reduce melanin production and deeply moisturize.

Recipes to get a tan in summer. 2021. Healthy summer recipes.

Although the food par excellence when we talk about this subject is the carrot. Thanks to its high levels of vitamin A and C, it repairs tissues and protects us from sun damage, thus fading blemishes,
and acne. You can drink it in juices, take it as a
or add it to your salads.

Self-tanner mercadona, druni, douglas, facial self-tanner. Protective. Summer 2021. Plans. Summer recipes.

Finally, we give you a recipe to boost your tan from within while protecting your skin and activating melanin production. It is a carrot and tomato smoothie that you can prepare to take anywhere with the BRUSHBOO bottle.


  • 2 carrots.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1 squeezed orange.


  • Peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces.
  • Wash the tomato and chop it.
  • Squeeze the juice from the orange.
  • In the blender cup, place all the ingredients and blend until well mixed.
  • You can add water or ice cubes (we recommend that you drink it, preferably on an empty stomach).
And it’s a fact, being tanned helps us look better, conceals dark circles and, if we are careful, is healthy.
We hope these tips have helped you and that this summer you will achieve the natural and healthy tan you so desire!


Summer 2021. Beautiful tan. Mercadona self tanner. Natural tan. Bikini. Summer recipes.