Eco-proposals to start 2021

Happy New Year 2021 to all our community

From BRUSHBOO we wish all of you are well and have enjoyed this holiday season in a responsible way with your loved ones.

We have left 2020 behind. A year that could be catalogued as differentA year in which we have learned to value small gestures such as the kisses and hugs we give to our family and friends; a year in which the way we work and relate to each other has become more virtual… And so we could go on with a long list. In short, 2020 will be marked on calendars as a year of change.

In this blog we want to offer you a series of eco-proposals that will encourage you to change small daily consumption habits and thus start this 2021 full of optimism and with the desire to contribute your little piece of bamboo to improve, day by day, our planet.

Switch to solid and natural soaps

Sustainable and natural cosmetics are in fashion. Leave chemicals and plastics behind and enjoy natural and sustainable products.

From BRUSHBOO we recommend these products 100%, not only because they are good for the planet but also because they are good for you. As they are made exclusively with natural products, the benefits they bring to your skin are much greater than traditional chemical products. In addition, the solid format makes it much more convenient to transport and will make travelers’ headaches much easier as they will not have to worry about how many liquids they have in their suitcase.
sustainable, we are reducing the consumption of plastics.

You can take a look at our

online store

and discover more about its benefits and properties.

Commitment to sustainable mobility

During 2020, the CO2. You can read in

this blog

what caused this change in trend.

At BRUSHBOO we believe that opportunities are there to be seized, so… What better time than now, when it is difficult to maintain social distancing measures in public transportation, to start using alternative means of transportation for your trips.

Whenever possible, and of course, respecting all traffic regulations, use a bicycle or scooter to move around the city. Not only will you be contributing to keeping emissions at bay, but you will also be gaining in quality of life while exercising.

Organize your shopping and meals

We are convinced that one of the most repeated resolutions is “this year I am going to take care of myself“.


In order to take care of yourself, apart from exercising, you have to take care of your diet. And what better way to start than by taking a break and thinking about what and where you’re going to buy and how and when you’re going to cook.

We suggest that you bet on local markets instead of large supermarkets, in this way you will be collaborating with the economy of small businesses.

Elaborate a weekly menu. Use seasonal products whenever possible, buy them in bulk and make a shopping list. With these simple actions you will be reducing the consumption of plastics as well as the waste generated.

Finally, we introduce you to the
batch cooking.
A way of cooking in which, in just one day, you will have the weekly menu prepared. This way you will be able to enjoy more free time during the rest of the week.

Replaces everyday objects with its eco-friendly version

We are not aware of how many everyday products can be replaced by a more sustainable version.

Leave traditional toothbrushes behind. We know that the use of toothbrushes is essential to maintain good oral hygiene, but we must also take into account that they are one of the sources that pollute our planet the most. Join the change and start using our
moso bamboo brushes

If you are one of those who eat at work make use of a bamboo cutlery
bamboo cutlery
and use
glass. To keep you well hydrated we recommend the use of
stainless steel or bamboo bottles instead of
instead of plastic ones.

Use recyclable straws made of bamboo, wheat or stainless steel. Remember that, as of July 3, single-use plastic products will begin to be withdrawn from the market. Get ready!

One of the phrases we like the most in BRUSHBOO is the one said by Eduardo Galeano:


“Lots of little people, in little places, doing little things, can change the world.”.

With this popular quote we want to encourage you to make 2021 a year in which you change small habits that can make a big impact on the planet.

We also want to encourage you to promote a more eco and sustainable awareness in your environment so that, little by little, they can also change their consumption habits.

The task of making our planet a better place is not just for a few. We need that, little by little, this community grows and more and more of us join the change.

Once again, thank you, Brushbooer.