El diseño de este cepillo de Brushboo no es como otros cepillos de dientes, se ha creado junto a dentistas profesionales para que su tamaño y forma se adapten al estilo de cepillado de cada uno.
La caja en la que viene nuestro Cepillo Eléctrico Brushboo Ecosonic ha sido diseñada pensando en ti, para que guardes tus objetos preferidos o cualquier recuerdo que no quieras perder. ¡Dale una segunda vida!
Recuerda que con tu compra estás contribuyendo a la reforestación. Destinamos el 10 % de nuestros beneficios a estos proyectos a través de la asociación Plant for the Planet.
Descubre lo que dicen de Brushboo Ecosonic, el primer cepillo eléctrico con cabezales de bambú del mundo, en Expansión.
I, personally, have been using their bamboo toothbrushes, cotton discs or wheat straws for some time now and, to tell the truth, I feel better about doing my bit. Every gesture counts and it is our planet that is at stake. 🌱
Their brushes are ideal both for the little ones and for us. I'm starting to like the idea of being eco-friendly and I think we're going to start changing more habits at home.... 🌱
That's how I take care of myself, that's how I take care of us.
Either coffee, water or infusion. I take it to work, to my workouts and, of course, to all my outings and.... I love it!
There is no route that can resist him! I love the way it keeps the temperature and... Looks like I'm not the only one!
Our awareness campaigns have had a great impact and we have been able to tell about our battle against plastic in the mainstream media.
Brushboo is the only eco dental hygiene brand endorsed by dentists.
For more information, questions or doubts you may have, please send us an e-mail to hello@brushboo.com.