How to eliminate plastic from our kitchens

If you take a good look at everything in your kitchen, you will surely notice that there is an inordinate amount of plastic, especially single-use plastic (the most harmful). These are objects that end up reaching the oceans and, therefore, also the animals that inhabit them in the form of microplastics.

Therefore, at
we will give you some tips to reduce the amount of plastic found in our kitchens and use much more ecological and efficient alternatives.

How to start eliminating plastic?

This, a priori, may seem an almost impossible task, but there are many practices that can be applied little by little and that at first we do not take into account.

  • Buy vegetables and fruit in local markets rather than in large supermarkets. Food is not usually packaged in plastic and you can store it in your own eco-friendly bag.

  • Linked to the above, always carry your own cotton bag when you go shopping and always say no to the plastic bag you are offered. In the end, they accumulate in your kitchen and are an unnecessary waste of plastic.
  • If possible, most of the products that come packaged in glass or cardboard are much easier to recycle and can be reused in a better way.


Getting rid of plastic inside the kitchen

It is true that some of the plastic we bring home in the form of food packaging or by buying certain utensils that are largely made of plastic.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of that plastic that is constantly used in the kitchen and that it seems there is no choice but to use it.

  • Change the plastic tableware for bamboo plates and cutlery
    bamboo cutlery
    . They are much stronger, lighter and, most importantly, they are completely biodegradable.

  • Use glass jars. They are ideal for storing all types of food or liquids and can be stored perfectly in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Try to eliminate plastic straws completely. They can only be used once each and take approximately one hour. 800 years to biodegrade. The best options are undoubtedly the
    wheat straws
    and the
    bamboo straws
    both are completely biodegradable and 100% organic.
  • Try replacing the cling film with reusable beeswax paper. It is as moldable as the film, much more resistant and, in addition, it can be washed after use to be reused with other foods.
  • Eliminate plastic bottles as much as possible and replace them with stainless steel thermos flasks.
    stainless steel thermos flasks
    . They keep both cold and heat much better, are more resistant, can be washed and used for any type of liquid and are 100% BPA free (a chemical product found in most containers).
  • Use biodegradable cleaning instruments. Copper scouring pads are ideal for removing dirt from pans or pots without damaging them, and coconut scouring pads are perfect for scrubbing dishes thanks to their natural antibacterial properties.


Reducing the amount of plastic is a practice that, little by little, we should all be doing. Our home will be cleaner and clearer, and the environment will thank us for it.


Let’s go for it!