Offset your carbon footprint with Brushboo



We like to change the world and we have the firm conviction that by joining forces we can do it sooner and better. Can you help us?

At Brushboo we have partnered with Save The Planet Now to give you the opportunity to offset your carbon footprint. Thanks to Save The Planet Now and Bosques Amazónicos you can offset every ton of carbon with your contribution.

Deforestation in the Amazon is a serious environmental problem that affects us globally. Slashing or burning their forests is one of the main sources of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The objective of the project, in collaboration with the Federation of Chestnut Growers of Madre de Dios in the Amazon region of Peru, is to protect 500,000 hectares of land to increase the quality of life of local people and the value of their forests by implementing a monitoring system that allows early detection of deforestation risks.

Bosques Amazónicos is an organization committed and determined to put an end to the ongoing deforestation that is occurring in Brazil nut concessions in the Amazonian part of Peru, specifically in the Madre de Dios area.

The construction of the interoceanic highway in Peru is attracting significant migration from the southern Andes. New migrants often occupy the land of concessionaires (who are the most unprotected) to live on or establish agricultural areas, which generates social tensions.

The Madre de Dios area has been devastated by intensive mining, which is being recovered through reforestation and replanting with species such as chestnut.

Bosques Amazónicos has partnered with the Federation of Chestnut Growers of Madre de Dios to carry out joint efforts to prevent deforestation in the Chestnut concessions, a species that absorbs large amounts of CO2. The objective of this REDD project (United Nations program for the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) is to protect 500,000 hectares of Chestnut trees.

The project will reduce deforestation through three lines of activities:

  • Increasing the quality of life of the concessionaires and the value of their forests by implementing a processing plant for the drying and peeling of Brazil nuts, enabling the concessionaires to sell higher quality products, obtain a greater share of the profits, promote fair trade and generate sufficient resources to protect their forests.
  • Implementation of a monitoring system that allows early detection of deforestation risks. This system should include control points and continuous patrolling in a context of participatory monitoring.
  • Provide work opportunities for Brazil nut concessionaires through these activities during the 8 months of the year when harvesting is not taking place.

Thanks to your contribution to this project, we will be able to preserve a larger area of forest mass in the Amazon, a crucial ecosystem for the balance of the planet that is seriously threatened.

On the other hand, this project gives you the opportunity to contribute to offsetting your carbon footprint as it has obtained a Verified Carbon Standard certification which will allow you to offset your carbon footprint. 2 million tons of CO2. -> what 200,000 European citizens generate per year.

With your contribution to this project you help to offset one ton of co2 of your carbon footprint.

Your role is decisive for the success of this project. The time is now. Contribute!

This project complies with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


To compensate click here: Save the planet Now

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