Thank you all for your contribution.

Together we have managed to recover more than 11,000 toothbrushes that are being recycled and are going to be given a second life.

Picked up brushes

Did you know how difficult it is to recycle a toothbrush?

Thank you all for your contribution. Together we have managed to recover more than 11,000 toothbrushes that are being recycled and are going to be given a second life.

grab your brush and be part of the change

Picked up brushes

Plastic toothbrushes in their different parts are usually composed of polymers other than those used in the manufacture of plastic containers that we separate in the yellow container. Although some of these parts are “technically” recyclable separately, their consistency makes the final management of this waste and its recycling very difficult and expensive. Whether due to lack of knowledge or lack of care, a high percentage of used plastic toothbrushes end up in the wrong container, hindering their correct processing. When it comes to an everyday item as popular as toothbrushes, we are faced with an extremely serious problem, so the best thing we can do is to avoid plastic toothbrushes whenever possible. In this campaign Brushboo and the European Environment Associationin collaboration with TerraCycleWe will take care of the proper recycling of the recovered toothbrushes and turn them back into raw material. Make sure that your plastic toothbrush is converted into #OneLessAtSeaPlease locate on the map your nearest collection point and help us to remove 10,000 plastic brushes from circulation, Thank you!




Thank you all for your contribution.


Together we have managed to recover more than 11,000 toothbrushes that are being recycled and are going to be given a second life.


Picked up brushes

Did you know how difficult it is to recycle a toothbrush?


Plastic toothbrushes in their different parts are usually composed of polymers other than those used in the manufacture of plastic packaging that we separate in the yellow garbage can. Although some of these parts are “technically” recyclable separately, their consistency makes the final management of this waste and its recycling very difficult and expensive.


Whether due to ignorance or lack of care, a high percentage of used plastic toothbrushes end up in the wrong container, hindering their proper processing. When it comes to an everyday item as popular as toothbrushes, this is a very serious problem, so the best thing to do is to avoid plastic toothbrushes whenever possible.


In this campaign Brushboo and the European Environment Association, in collaboration with TerraCycle, we will take care of the proper recycling of the recovered toothbrushes and turn them back into raw material.


Make sure your plastic toothbrush becomes #OneLessAtSea, locate on the map your nearest collection point and help us remove 10,000 plastic toothbrushes from circulation, Thank you!


The objective of this campaign is to recover 10,000 plastic toothbrushes at the various collection points throughout Spain.

For every plastic brush you turn in, you will receive a 20% discount on the purchase of any Brushboo product.

How will we achieve this?


Conscientious minds

Collection Points

Eco Products


Do you want to be a collection point?

To participate is very easy, fill out the form or write us at,

we will contact you and send you your Eco-pack.





Who we are

Company dedicated to the commercialization and sale of ecological products that contribute to reduce the amount of waste that reaches the environment. We are brushboo

Non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the environment through projects based on the creation of social awareness on environmental issues.

Agency specialized in promoting the commercial development of companies that operate in the market of ecological products and services.

Eco-friendly recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling what is considered us


The Guarani people say that one day there was a huge fire in the jungle.

All the animals fled in terror, for it was a terrible fire.

Suddenly, the jaguar saw the hummingbird pass over its head… in the opposite direction, that is, towards the fire.

He was extremely surprised, but did not want to stop.

Instantly, he saw it pass by again, this time in his same direction.

He was able to observe this coming and going repeatedly, until he decided to ask the little bird, as it seemed to him to be a very strange behavior :

What are you doing, hummingbird,” he asked.

I’m going to the lake,” replied the bird, “I take water with my beak and throw it on the fire to put out the fire.

The jaguar smiled. Are you crazy,” he said. Do you think you’re going to put it out with your little beak all by yourself?

Good! -replied the hummingbird, “I do my part.

And after saying this, he left to get more water from the lake.




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