This Wednesday, March 11, a new warning from the World Health Organization (WHO) shook the world: The coronavirus
causing the
is declared a
. This is defined as the number of cases (excluding China) have spread rapidly (in two weeks cases have multiplied by 13), affecting more countries.
In Spain, the figure has risen to more than 2,200 cases of infection at the time of publishing this note.
*UpdateMarch 16: the number is increasing to 9300 cases.
*Update as of April 6: 130,759 cases of infection.
Seeing the rapid expansion that is taking place in our country, from
we have decided to take precautionary measures.
Based on the measures taken and the case of success we are having in combating the contagion, here are the simplest recommendations based, also, on the advice of our grandmothers (no joke, these never fail because they are very wise and effective) and of course, we integrated the WHOadvice.
Simple tips to protect against coronavirus
1. Staying at home
If you think you have the symptoms or suspect any of them, the best thing to do is to rest and keep yourself isolated, following the protocol recommended by health specialists. If you don’t think you have anything, then congratulations! But let’s not sing hooray so soon. Since it is a rapidly contagious disease, it is best to contain it in this way. This way we avoid any contact with other people.
2. Maintain a social distance of 1 to 3 meters.
If you go out of the house (which is not forbidden) it is necessary to keep some space between us. Especially if another person sneezes or coughs. If it is possible to avoid places with large crowds of people (such as public transportation, bars, concerts, squares) it is better.
3. Wash your hands very well and frequently
(Here is a chart with the correct wash)
4. Adopt respiratory hygiene measures
If we cough or sneeze, we should cover our mouth and nose with our elbow flexed (internal elbow). If you use a tissue, use a disposable one, throw it immediately in the trash and disinfect your hands with antibacterial gel or soap and water.
5. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose.
We do everything with our hands and can touch contaminated surfaces (especially metal, where the virus survives for up to 12 hours). If you immediately touch the marked areas, it is possible that the virus may be transferred to you.
6. Avoid drinking iced water and drinks with ice.
Stay hydrated with hot beverages! The virus does not resist heat, therefore, it is better to keep our throat hydrated and avoid exposing it to low temperatures. Liquids such as herbal teas, broths or simply hot water neutralize the virus. An additional tip is to add lemon to the hot drink.
When should I wear a mask?

They are not necessary and are usually very effective with frequent hand washing.
c. Correct use of masks here.
By following thesesimple, everyday tips, we will be safer and prevent the rapid spread of this pandemic. If you suspect any symptoms, first of all, do not saturate the telephone lines or health centers.
Here we leave you the
updated reports
day by day on the new Covid 19 cases.
How important and healthy it is to maintain the habit of
personal care and hygiene habits
! Let’s always adopt these measures 🙂
*Sources of figures shown in the note:
and the Spanish Ministry of Health.
*Figures are changing smoothly on a daily basis. No figure is absolute.