The magic of a sustainable Christmas

The countdown to Christmas has already begun, it is time for meetings and celebrations, time to surprise and be surprised. However, it is also a time of excess… We all know that these days there is an increase in the amount of garbage we generate, in addition, the economic expenditure is also affected.

At Brushboo we work every day to reduce the negative impact on our planet and, for this reason, we have decided to share some tips so that this holiday season more of us can join in the change.

It is small actions and gestures that have a big impact on the environment, help improve the local economy or simply make us feel better.

Decalogue for an Eco Christmas:

  • Decorating the house with imagination and ornaments
    Do It Yourself.
    The Internet offers us a lot of ideas and inspiration to make the decoration unique and, moreover, inexpensive.

  • If you decide to buy a Christmas tree, make sure it comes from a nursery and after Christmas… replant it.
  • Using LED bulbs to decorate the tree or balcony is a better option than incandescent bulbs, as you will spend less energy and also reduce your electricity bill. Avoid having them on all day and, if they are for outdoor use, you can always buy solar ones.
  • Avoid large supermarkets for food shopping, shop at the local market.

  • Calculate how much to buy to avoid wasting food.
  • We generate a lot of garbage, but at Christmas, the amount inevitably increases. Take the time to recycle correctly.
  • Remember to bring your own bags to avoid plastic consumption.

  • Join the responsible consumption and do not buy for the sake of buying, spend time thinking about how to surprise the other person.
  • Support small businesses and look for Spanish companies, you’re sure to get your gifts right this year. It is not so difficult to find original, practical and sustainable gifts.
  • Wrapping gifts is a real art, bet on recycled craft paper and with a little inspiration, the result will be a real success.

Winning the battle against climate change depends on us. It is the biggest environmental threat we have to face, these ideas will help reduce your personal carbon footprint and have a big impact on the environment.

Encourage those around you to join in the change.

Will you join us?