Back-to-school operation can be sustainable: We tell you how

September is here and with it, comes that time so hated by both children and adults: back to school or back to work.

As every year, the vacations are over and we need new material when we go back to school or work, but Do we have to buy everything brand new every year? Isn’t there a way to save money and be more environmentally friendly at the same time?

Of course it is! There is always a more ecofriendly solution to transform our actions without sacrificing our day-to-day needs.

Here are some #Brushbootips:

Sustainable and recyclable clothing

The return to routine entails a thorough review of everything that will continue to be worthwhile and what will not. Outgrown clothes, unusable school supplies or textbooks that change every year are some of the materials we can give a second life to.


Speaking of clothing, it is inevitable that we will buy new clothes if last year’s clothes are outgrown. In this case, a good solution to avoid harming the environment is that these materials are made of sustainable and biodegradable fabrics. The hemphemp, flax flax or organic cotton are the perfect materials for this purpose, they are easy to find and, in case they need to be disposed of, they are easily recyclable. Remember to throw them in the clothing recycling garbage cans.

Another interesting material is lyocellwhich is created from eucalyptus cellulose. It is almost entirely recyclable and biodegradable.

Are you a member of a large family or do you have friends you trust? Well, clothes that are in good condition and you simply don’t need or don’t wear can be donated to family, friends or charity – as long as the clothes are in good condition, of course!

School and office supplies: quality and sustainability

300 pens are discarded every second worldwide. This generates a problem with the amount of plastic waste generated, not being able to recycle 100% of it.

There are alternatives that are gradually being implemented in our daily lives. These are the biodegradable materials, such as the
which is becoming more and more common and highly valued thanks to its resistance, efficiency and elegance.

With respect to backpacks and cases, the Dutch company
develops these items from recycled plastic bottles and soft drinks. A good sustainable initiative that will accompany the little ones for a long time.

For the hardest workers there are also perfect complements for the day to day. Such as notebook sleeves made from recycled plastic, eco-friendly notebooks made from recycled plastic, and 100% recycled paper and cardboard or refillable bamboo fountain pens.

Back in the most eco-friendly way

The return to routine can be a bit tedious with the return of schedules, transportation, eating out… You can leave everyone speechless when they see you with your
bamboo cutlery set
bamboo cutlery set, a cold tea in an eco-friendly
eco bottle
together with a 100% biodegradable
100% biodegradable straw
. Everyone will want to ask you where you got it!

For the little ones, they’re sure to be with all their friends when they pull out their
bamboo toothbrush
It is something new, something that attracts attention and surely no one else has it. It will create a revolution!

Now you know, this September you have no excuse to get back to the routine in a sustainable way.