Celebrate International Mother Earth Day with Brushboo

On April 22nd we celebrate International Mother Earth Day, a date that seeks to raise awareness about the importance of caring for our planet and its natural resources. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day in 2009, recognizing that the Earth and its ecosystems are our common home and that we must promote sustainable development for present and future generations.

This year’s theme is“Restore our Earth“, which emphasizes the need to restore ecosystems damaged by human action, climate change and biodiversity loss. To achieve these objectives, the active participation of society as a whole, from governments to companies and citizens, is essential. Some actions that will contribute to achieving these objectives are: reducing energy and water consumption, recycling and reusing waste, reducing the use of plastics or using ECO cosmetics and products, among other measures.

Brushboo, we are your ecological alternative

we join this important date to remember once again how we can contribute to improve the state of the Earth to avoid its deterioration. It is essential that we start betting on ECO options for the care of the planet. Some changes are really simple, such as, for example, putting aside plastic bags and using reusable bags or starting to use reusable water bottles, which are much healthier for health and the environment.

Another change we encourage you to make is to use ECO cosmetics and hygiene products that are made with natural, organic and/or biodegradable ingredients. They are environmentally friendly and take care of our health as they do not contain synthetic chemical substances that are harmful to the skin, hair and the body in general.

Join our most sustainable adventure! All products and packaging in our online store are designed for the protection and conservation of the planet. In fact, with your purchase at Brushboo you are contributing to reforestation as we allocate 10% of our profits to these projects through the association

Plant for the Planet


Why choose eco cosmetics and hygiene products?

In our section
ECO cosmetics
dental hygiene
personal care
you will find all the cosmetics and ecological products necessary for the care of your skin, as well as for a correct daily hygiene. We have for sale online everything from bamboo toothbrushes to reusable makeup remover discs, facial cosmetics with lemon water as the main ingredient, bamboo razors and much more.

Some reasons to include these ECO products in your routine are:

  • Safer and healthier: formulated with natural ingredients, they avoid the risk of allergies, irritations or side effects that can be caused by chemical components.
  • More efficient and respectful. They are adapted to the needs of each type of skin or hair and offer longer lasting results. As they do not contain aggressive ingredients, they do not damage or dry out the skin or hair. In fact, they nourish and moisturize them naturally, leaving skin and hair looking healthier.
  • More environmentally friendly and sustainable. They use renewable and biodegradable raw materials, which means they contribute to preserving natural resources and reducing environmental pollution. In addition, by using recyclable or reusable packaging, they minimize the generation of plastic waste that ends up in the oceans or in landfills.

Betting on a home that is more respectful of the planet

In addition to cosmetics and Eco hygiene products, Brushboo also has the following section
ECO Home section
. Here you will find wheat or bamboo straws, two great alternatives to plastic straws. In addition, we have for sale online a
bamboo cutlery set
. Don’t forget to add the
bamboo lunch box
to have your ECO set when you have to eat out. And, of course, don’t forget to add our fantastic
Bamboo thermos-bottle
. You will be able to take your favorite drinks wherever you go in a healthier and more environmentally friendly way.

Discover more eco-friendly products at Brushboo to add to your everyday life to do your bit for the care and protection of the environment. We are waiting for you!