Everything you need to know about mammograms

Today, October 31, we say goodbye to the pink month and from
we want to do so by raising awareness about the importance of early detection as it saves lives. A few weeks ago we emphasized the importance of breast self-examination.
breast self-examination
as a method to detect any changes or abnormalities in the breasts. We invite you to take a look at this article explaining how to perform breast self-examination.

On this occasion, we want to focus on mammograms, a screening test for breast cancer essential for diagnosing tumors in early stages. It consists of a special x-ray of the breasts. The procedure involves placing the breast between two flat plates where pressure will be applied to obtain clear and detailed images of the breast tissue.

Through these images, tumors, cysts, calcifications and other changes in the breast tissue that may indicate the presence of breast cancer can be identified. Therefore, it can identify problems in the breast tissue before visible or palpable symptoms become apparent. That is why it is essential to keep your mammogram appointment.

When should mammography be performed?

Spanish Association Against Cancer
(AECC) recommends this test for women at risk age, i.e. between 50 and 65 years old. It should be performed periodically every two years. Even if you do not have symptoms, you should keep your appointment.

In some communities, they conduct breast cancer screening campaigns for women aged 45-49 and 66-69.

Mammography is recommended for those under 40 years of age if there is a high risk of breast cancer due to family history or genetic alterations.

Join the fight against breast cancer

In Brushboo we are collaborating with the AECC through our
Solidarity Pink Eco Pack
. For the purchase of this product, we donate 10% to the AECC to support breast cancer prevention and awareness studies. Join the fight against breast cancer!

This solidarity Eco Pack is composed of our
bamboo toothbrush in pink color
UNISEX t-shirt
printed with the image of the campaign and the solidarity bracelet #ELROSAESMASQUEUNCOLOR of the AECC.

If you still don’t have this eco pack, hurry up and buy it in our online store. Your contribution makes a difference!