Tips for an Ecofriendly move

Moving day can be stressful but exciting. The idea of moving to a new place is wonderful. It is turning the page to a new chapter in your life. The days leading up to the move are usually chaotic because there is so much to organize, but something we have never thought about is the amount of waste we would be generating.

For this reason, here are some recommendations to keep in mind to make the journey less burdensome and unnecessarily full of waste. Let’s make moving day more
and respectful of our planet.

Sustainable packaging

To carry several objects: do not buy new cardboard boxes. If you do a thorough inspection of your own home you may find old boxes that have been used to pack other products such as a TV or microwave. If you can’t find enough, have you thought about asking your parents or friends? I’m sure they can give you a hand. Another very good option is to use suitcases as packing. They are very spacious and comfortable to carry whatever you need.

For wrapping dishes and fragile objects, you can reuse newspaper left over from old editions. Reuse!


Only if it is very necessary and you need packing tape to seal the boxes can you get some rope or buy biodegradable packing tape or kraft paper. Let’s avoid plastic!


If you no longer want it, don’t throw it away. Donate it!

Moving does not only mean moving your things from one place to another, but also realizing that you have many objects that you have not been using for a long time, mainly clothes, among other objects. Of course, the most convenient thing to do is to throw it in the trash can. The problem is that it does not go through a correct recycling process and ends up polluting the environment and landfills continue to fill up. The best way out is to donate it to an NGO or church that will be in charge of delivering your donations to people in need.

Avoid unnecessary carbon emissions

Unless you are moving far away from your current apartment and do not have a lot of heavy furniture to carry, we do not recommend renting a van to move your belongings. Save money and

reduce your carbon footprint

. Organize a fun moving event together with some friends and family one day over the weekend. As a thank you, you can invite them to dinner at your new home.ogar.

Eco interior decoration

We are excited to decorate our new apartment according to our personality. Instead of buying new furniture or decorative objects, you can buy them at thrift stores. Easier, there are many applications where thousands of users are selling or exchanging products they no longer need. As we said before…. Let’s reuse! Also, remember not to purchase plastic materials that can be replaced by others, such as a straw laundry basket or bamboo or coconut wood bowls for decoration in common areas..

For the kitchen, you can buy

bamboo cutlery

and complement ceramic or earthenware tableware. Don’t forget to add a bit of greenery to your space by planting bamboo seeds in an open space. If you have a new terrace it is a good option.


Upcycling: transform your objects into something better


Following the decorative line, we give you another #brushbootip. You can transform many things that you thought you were going to throw away or give away. For example, at Brushboo, we encourage you to reuse everything that comes with our products. For example, our eco bottle packaging is perfect for storing kitchen utensils or stationery. It looks perfect in the new decoration of the house and is very resistant.


You can also apply it to old furniture, which you no longer like very much, and turn them into wonderful pieces and improve them through some kind of repair. Here’s a hint: if you’re tired of the typical antique dark wood nightstand, liven it up with an old paint style. Or if you are one of those people who keep empty glass jars and you have a lot of them, you can have them cut and adapt them to make a nice set of glasses.

It is important to keep in mind that every act we do in our daily lives leaves a carbon footprint that pollutes our environment. And in this specific case, removals, usually generate a lot of waste, but we can turn the matter around in many ways as indicated above.

Living consciously with the care of our environment is the best way to maintain a clean and healthy planet for our sake and that of our future generations.

If this article helped you or you know someone who might find it helpful, please share it.


Happy moving!