We tell you about the best ecological and sustainable plans to enjoy with your partner.

February is the month of love, and we all want to spend the best moments with our partner to enjoy each other. enjoy each other. There are many ways to celebrate every union, but they don’t always have to be expensive trips or excessive actions, sometimes it is enough to be able to spend some time together without the hassles of work or other problems.

we are as committed to you as we are to the environment, so we want to give you some ideas so you can spend the day with that special person. However, we have taken care to give you three options that are sustainable and ecologicalso that you can repeat them as many times during the year as you want.

3 sustainable plans you can do with your partner

Organic lunch for two

There are many of us who can be made happy simply with a good recipe. a good recipeAnd much more if we can share it with our favorite person. The best thing is that there are so many options to choose from that you will be able to plan your ideal moment among many other plans. In a restaurant, at home, or even on a picnic, they are all perfect.

If you opt to have lunch (or dinner, of course) at a restaurant, there may be a number of sustainable and environmentally friendly venues around you. Here you can find a wide variety of dishes with traditional and exotic flavors, with different specialties that think of both the customer and the planet.

If you don’t have one nearby, you can always prepare the food at home. Go down to look for local products and organic ingredientsmaking sure that no polluting or harmful products are used. Of course, the local product will always make the transports generate less polluting gases, and you will be supporting businesses in your area.

Don’t forget to avoid those foods that come loaded with plastics, wrapped again and again in sometimes unnecessary protections. As an option, you can combine this first idea with the following one, and enjoy a day in the middle of nature and eating together with ingredients of the highest quality.

A walk does not produce emissions!

Indeed, going for a walk (whether on foot or by bike) does not harm the environment. Unless you’re in the business of leaving your trash in the middle of the field, but we know you don’t do that. And there are few things more romantic than walk hand in hand in a beautiful place while you watch the sunset.right?

But every moment of the day has its charm, and you can surely have a good time both in the city and on a hiking trail. or by hiking a route of trekking. Choose the path you are going to take; equip yourselves in the best way, whether you decide to go out by bike or on foot; and set off on a new adventure together.

You may discover new places around your city that you didn’t know before, or you may decide to return to that spot that means so much to you. Take advantage of this moment of tranquility and connection with nature to also connect with each other in a unique way. It can be magical and very renewing for both of you.

If there is one thing you should not forget in this plan is to take with you a camera or your cell phoneto be able to keep memories of everything. Not only of the celebration of your love, but also of the flora and fauna you will encounter or the landscapes you will discover. Oh, and don’t forget the food you prepared earlier, of course.

Enjoying nature from home

If you can’t move from home for any reason, you can always take a little time for the environment on the sofa. Fortunately, the number of platforms we know today offer us many possibilities, both free and paid, for to get into the topics that interest us the most..

I’m sure there are dozens of documentaries you haven’t seen, perhaps about a type of animal that you both like very much and about which you don’t know everything. Or, if you are looking for something more informative and critical, there will also be options that discuss the climate change and the needs of the planet. and the needs of the planet.

Extra: Be careful with gifts

As a last point, we wanted to add this
extra. Gifts are a totally normal thing to celebrate love, and we are very much in favor of you expressing it in the best way. But, if you can avoid excessive use of plasticsmuch better. There are paper or cardboard wrappings that can be reused or recycled, and they can even be nicer than a plastic bag that you won’t take 20 minutes to throw away.