The most important Earth Hour in more than 10 years

Turn off the light. All will be well“is the slogan used this year for “Earth Hour” and to send a message of hope for the situation in which the world has been involved. Turn off your lights this March 28 from 20:30 to 21:30 hrs.

Heroes without capes do exist: My father is proof of that.

Do you remember that time when mom scolded you for some mischief and you looked to your father for comfort? At home, since we were little, we have always had allies. If we didn’t like the prohibitions our mother gave us, we immediately went running in a desperate search for approval. Maybe from dad or […]

There is a plastic island in the Pacific

The most common disposable plastic products and fishing gear abandoned on the coasts represent a major threat to marine fauna. These drift to marine landfills