Breast self-examination key to early detection of breast cancer

This Thursday, October 19, is the World Day Against Breast Cancer, the most frequent tumor in women worldwide, with a special incidence in women between 45 and 65 years of age. Thanks to research, prevention and early detection, mortality from this disease has decreased significantly.

we join this fight and we do it by collaborating with the
Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC).
. We have created the Solidarity Pink EcoPack, consisting of our pink bamboo toothbrush. With medium hard ecological bamboo handle. Its softness is perfect for all types of gums and teeth. 100% ecological! It also comes with a UNISEX t-shirt printed with the image of the campaign and a solidarity bracelet #ELROSAESMASQUEUNCOLOR from the AECC.

With the purchase of this
we donate 10% to the AECC to support breast cancer prevention and awareness studies. Join the fight!

The importance of breast self-exploration

We would like to take advantage of this special date to remind you of the importance of monthly breast self-examination, which is fundamental for the early detection of breast cancer.

If you are still menstruating and have a regular period, you should perform a breast self-exam a couple of days after your period. If you are in the menopausal stage or have very irregular periods, you can choose one day of the month to perform self-examination.

Here’s how to perform a proper self-examination.

Standing position

You should stand in front of the mirror. Raise your arms above your hips and inspect both breasts for any abnormalities such as nipple discharge, folds, dimpling, orange or scaly looking skin, or lumps.

Next, press your hands tightly on your hips and lean slightly toward the mirror. Lean while pushing the shoulders and elbow forward, these two movements will make any changes to the contour of the chest.

Start with your right breast. Examine yourself with the fingertips of your left hand, pressing gently with circular movements, from the inside out, clockwise. Palpate for the presence of masses or tender spots.

Then, move on to the armpit. Touch it with your fingertips, making circular movements, to detect white areas, masses, thickening or lumps under the skin.

Finally, the nipple. Without changing position, press gently and watch for any discharge or bleeding.

You should repeat all these steps on the left breast.

Reclining position

Another way to examine the breasts is to do it in a lying position with the help of a pillow placed under the shoulder of the breast you examine first. To examine the right breast, place your hand behind your head and raise your elbow, place the pillow under your shoulder.

With the fingertips of the left hand gently press the breast with circular movements. Continue this movement around the entire breast. Palpate the surface for masses, soft or sunken areas. Pay attention to the area from the breast to the armpit and from the armpit to the breast again.

You will have to repeat the steps to examine the left breast. However, reversing the position of the arms.

In the shower

Do you want to perform the self-examination while showering? Use your right hand to examine your left breast, then vice versa. With the pads of your three middle fingers, press each part of one of your breasts. Use light, then medium, then firm pressure. Do this in a circular motion to feel for lumps, thick spots or other changes. Continue palpating until you reach the armpit. Be sure to check under the areola and then gently squeeze the nipple to check for discharge.

early detection self-examination

Remember to perform a monthly breast self-examination to maintain the health of your breasts and detect early signs of disease.