The ecological footprint of tourism: How to reduce it?

Travel is a pleasure we should all experience. It helps us to disconnect from work, discover new places and cultures and helps us to free our body and mind from all the accumulated stress.

Every year tourism increases massively around the world (25 million travelers in 1950 vs. 1.2 billion in 2015), which is why the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), opts for travelers to practice a more sustainable tourism.

To talk about the tourism footprint, we must first talk about the carbon footprint, but what is it really? but what is it really? It is an indicator that calculates the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a person, product or organization.


Therefore, at


we give you some tips to reduce this carbon footprint while still enjoying a good trip.



Avoiding overcrowding


When so many people gather in a specific territory, it can cause great negative effects on the environment. A good solution is to explore new places away from the big cities, where you can breathe fresh air and enjoy the native properties to the fullest.

Use a sustainable travel kit

When going on an excursion or trip where you will be away from home for several days, a convenient solution to help the environment is to use a more sustainable personal cleaning kit.


If you’re already a #Brushbooer you know what we’re talking about. If not, don’t worry. We tell you about it below.



toothbrush, the



dental floss

are some of the products that we use daily to take care of our hygiene and, even if we go out and about, they are still a necessary complement. Therefore, from Brushboo, we encourage you to try to replace your plastic travel kit with a bamboo one, it is more sustainable, biodegradable and recyclable. You will not be disappointed!

Cleaner mobility

Airplanes are the most widely used means of transportation for both long and medium distance travel. It is fast, safe and simple. The problem it causes is the amount of CO2 it emits into the atmosphere (3% of the entire European Union) and the high price it commands.

There are much more eco-friendly alternatives if you want to spend a dream vacation.

A good practice for traveling within your country is to share a vehicle with people who are going to the same destination as you. Costs are reduced and harmful emissions are minimized. Applications such as
give the opportunity to contact the driver directly for a fixed price. The more people using that vehicle at the same time, the cheaper the final price will be – since it is shared among all.

If, on the other hand, the destination you want to go to is outside your country of residence, a good option is to travel by train -especially hotel trains-, which are cheaper than a plane, are more ecofriendly and generate a much more enriching travel experience.

Always remember the 3 Errors


Many times, as soon as we leave home, we forget that we must maintain the same ecological mentality wherever we are.


The first step to follow is the reduction of plastics within our immediate environment, followed by reuse and reuse of other everyday materials – such as refilling glass bottles with water, soft drinks, etc. – and finally, recycling, recycling all materials that may be harmful to the environment.


Since we are not in a familiar environment, we tend to use more disposable packaging for the convenience it brings, but are there other more environmentally friendly alternatives?

It is becoming increasingly common to see travelers with their

bamboo cutlery set, reusable plates

reusable plates and a


. They know that with these actions they are helping the environment as well as being extremely practical, comfortable and ecological.

No excuses! You can always explore new parts of the world by being sustainable and reducing your tourism footprint.


Have a good trip!