The importance of bees for the planet

On the occasion of World Bee Day, celebrated every May 20, it is essential to recognize and understand the importance of these small insects in the balance of our ecosystems. Bees play a crucial role in plant pollination. This has a direct impact on food production and the biodiversity of our planet.

This year, the theme of World Bee Day was Engaging with bees, hand in hand with youth”. The focus is on youth and their crucial role in both beekeeping and pollinator conservation. It is important to note that, in addition to bees, other pollinators include butterflies, bats and hummingbirds.

Despite the vital importance of bees to ecosystems, they are in danger of extinction. That’s why, from
we want to explain the role of these pollinating insects on the planet and the importance of their conservation.

Bees, essential for humanity and the planet

Bees are considered one of the most important pollinators in nature. When bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers to feed, they unwittingly transport pollen from one flower to another. This facilitates the pollination process. This process is vital for the reproduction of many flowering plants, including numerous species of food crops such as fruits and vegetables.

Thanks to their pollination work, it is estimated that at least 75% of the world’s food crops depend to some extent on pollination by these insects. The presence of bees is essential to ensure abundant and quality crops. Therefore, thanks to the pollination they perform, they ensure the availability of food.

They also play a crucial role in the preservation of biodiversity and the functioning of natural ecosystems. By pollinating a wide variety of plants, bees contribute to the genetic diversity of flora, which in turn supports numerous plant and animal species in ecosystems.

Despite their importance, bee populations face numerous threats that jeopardize their survival. The indiscriminate use of pesticides, loss of natural habitats, climate change and the presence of diseases are some of the factors that are seriously affecting these pollinators worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to take measures for their protection and conservation, such as promoting sustainable agriculture, creating green spaces that favor their diet, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and raising awareness of their importance.

Their tireless work as pollinators, their contribution to food production and their role in preserving biodiversity make bees indispensable to life on Earth. Contribute to your protection and conservation!