There is a growing trend in Europe to install these types of machines to help the environment.

But, what does it consist of, it is very simple. These metailing machines recycling or also known as reverse vending consist in that you introduce depending on what the machine recycles, whether it is plastic bottles, cans, or some other material that you specify; and it gives you back some benefit that I will tell you about later and you will surely want to have one near you.

This method of collection encourages people to do their bit to ensure that plastic is recycled in the right way.

Each machine dispenses “something” according to the needs, circumstances or motivations of the population.

In countries like Turkey where there is a large population of dogs and cats on the streets, they have decided to attack two problems with the same vending machine.

The company Spunge has created the Smart Recycling BoxThis consists of inserting a plastic bottle, which dispenses food so that hungry dogs and/or cats can satiate their hunger. Not only does it accept bottles, but you can also empty the excess water from your bottle into the machine so that they can also dispense water to the animals.

This way of recycling is very sensitive, which makes people more excited to contribute and commit to the cause. It is not the solution to the problem, but it is a great help to feed homeless animals and to raise awareness among people.

This type of machine could not be placed in Spain as it would be against the law, which does not allow feeding animals on the street.


Another example is the vending machines in Sydney, Australia, which give bus tickets in exchange for bottles.

This action encourages people because it implies a double gain, helping the environment and saving money, allowing the proper recycling of plastic and thus keeping the city cleaner.

Also, Coca Cola together with a recycling company worked to encourage recycling.ecycling in the United Kingdom.

They placed several reverse machines as pilot tests in an amusement park with the intention of collecting as many bottles and/or cans as possible in exchange for discounts on the park’s attractions.

Coca is working on its program #WorldWithoutwasteprogram, in order to collect and recycle its waste generated after the ingestion of its products.

Something you probably didn’t know is that Spain requires companies that produce pollution to pay for the recycling of their waste; therefore, when you pay for the product, the recycling of the product is included in its price.

A greater commitment on our part is needed, since the care of our planet earth depends on us; and that, without realizing it, is increasingly affected by our actions.

The government should involve and encourage large companies to carry out this type of actions regarding recycling, since they have a great influence on people’s behavior.

Have you seen any recycling vending machines in your community?